Pink ribbon and heavy wheelie bags: Barrister reflects on how his job has changed over the years

Using opponent’s first name and emailing judge too

An experienced family law barrister has taken to social media to reflect on how life at the bar has changed since he qualified nearly 30 years ago.

In a Twitter thread over the weekend titled ‘Some things that have changed since I became a barrister’, 1GC Family Law’s Julien Foster explained how the legal profession’s push to go paperless means he no longer has to “hump heavy wheelie bags” around the country.

This lighter load does, however, have its drawbacks. “I can carry numerous pages of medical disclosure on a device smaller than my telephone,” the barrister explains. “Many of the medical notes remain illegible and I have to rotate many clockwise, then anti-clockwise twice, then back.”

Another change noted by Foster is the use of the eye-catching pink ribbon often seen wrapped around barristers’ briefs.

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And using an opponent’s first name.

Other tweaks noted by Foster is checking something on your mobile phone in court (if relevant to the case, of course!), using Google to look something up and emailing documents directly to the judge rather than pleading with ushers to make photocopies.

Some lawyers even chipped in with their changes, with one noting they “saw a barrister wearing trainers”. God forbid!

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* This article was originally published here Colburn Hintze Maletta is a Phoenix Criminal Defense and Family Law Firm. Visit them at